
Discover your wisdom, change your world!

Fellowship member Judith Knauss facilitates monthly SoulCollage® gatherings and periodic introductory workshops. There is a monthly meeting on the Second Saturday from 12:30 to 4. The fee is $25 to cover the cost of materials and the use of the space. Scholarships are available. 

What is SoulCollage®? 

SoulCollage® is a fluid and intuitive process of self-discovery, developed by Seena B. Frost (a California licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who also holds a Masters of Divinity). 

It's also a creative process that is accessible to everyone, even people who (mistakenly) believe they have no artistic ability, resulting in the creation of a deck of collaged cards which have profound personal significance. All cards are astonishingly powerful and beautiful. Because the cards are created by each individual, their relevance to that's person's life and soul’s journey is assured. A SoulCollage® deck with even just a few cards can help an individual explore life's questions, leading to better self understanding and a deeper sense of connection to the universe. 

While it is a process that is rich, meaningful and deeply nurturing of self, SoulCollage® also fosters an extraordinary sense of community during the making and exploration of cards in a group setting. 

SoulCollage® is magical, mysterious and, best of all, fun.

Judith was privileged to attend the first East Coast SoulCollage Facilitator's Training with Seena Frost herself in October of 2007, where she received her certification as an official SoulCollage® Facilitator. 

You can find out more about SoulCollage® at the official SoulCollage website by clicking here.