The  COM seeks to understand, assess, support, and advocate for robust ministry throughout the  context of congregational life.  Members are  Ellen Waggener (Chair), Kathy Duncan, Rick Foster   and James Weismann.

The Committee on Ministry is designed to track the heartbeat of ministry within a congregation:

  • how members take care of themselves and each other, 
  • how the lay ministerial leadership  serves the congregation; 
  • how ministers serve the congregation
  • how any other professional staff serves the congregation;  
  • how the congregation relates to its professional staff. The COM deals with issues of conflict and right relations within the congregation. 

In service to these goals, the CoM is sponsoring Talk Time, a monthly discussion group after Service during which we can address a topic of interest to the congregation.  We strive to make use of our Honest, Direct, and Respectful communication guidelines.

Should anyone want to contact us, please do so at: